So? Have I been ever so faithfully eating 100% raw?... No :(... I eat raw fruits and veggies all day until dinner time then it gets wonky. One night there was meat lovers pizza in the house and I ate 2 pieces. Then tonight, I ate IHOP pumpkin pancakes with hashbrowns for dinner. I know these foods are not healthy in the least. One step at a time right? I'm an impulsive eater.I cant help it!! If I have a craving then I must satisfy it or else the craving will haunt me for days!! Maybe in the future my eating habits will be more disciplined.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Im feeling?... Real good!!
Ok Ok I still have a horrible sinus infection but it is so much better today :) I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 132.( something)........ basically a 3 pound weight loss for the week. I think that is pretty darn good! My energy is through the roof, my skin is clearing up, and I have managed to get to see my auntie flow for the first time in 7 whole months. I know too much info but it just shows how much eating fruits and veggies can effect your whole body. I have even started exercising again :) Yesterday and today I ran/ walked for 30 minutes. I never once felt like I was going to die lol.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Raawr for Raw Food
I know, I know!!! I haven't wrote in quite sometime. All of my health habits have taken a back seat to dealing with moving, working, and planning mini vacations. My weight got down to 128 lbs but then I indulged in a few Cola drinks and take out food. Needless to say my weight bumped up to 135.6 lbs. Of course that got me searching for something new.
I had read about how Tracy Anderson tried a raw food diet and got super skinny. Consequently, I decided to investigate this whole idea that I had once refused to ever try. I bought a few books that really explain the whole concept and give a few recipes. I admit it, I am terrified to try any of the recipes. I just imagine that all of the recipes taste like moldy whole wheat bread or carob chips.... yuck!!
One of the books suggested that one should ease into the raw food lifestyle. I feel like this concept completely eliminates the pressure to be perfect all of the time. It seems every time I try something new I dive in head first, start drowning, then get out as soon as I can. I can deal with baby steps.My current plan has been to consume raw foods until dinner time. At dinner time I maintain a vegetarian meal but it is often heated ( and bad for me..oops).
I only started eating raw food about 3 days ago. So far, I feel like I have done a million sit ups ( although I haven't done anything active), I had a mild headache, and I have intense carbohydrate cravings at dinner time. I mean I ate two biscuits with honey like a ravished animal one night. Then tonight, I had a serious craving for lo mein... which may or may not have been triggered by the sight of my new asian neighbors.... just saying. In addition my bladder feels like it has been stretched past capacity. It seriously aches from all the water my body has been processing. I have also noticed that my stomach feels fine until I eat my heated dinner. After that my stomach area gets cramps and I feel like crap for several hours. I suppose this is my body trying to tell me to just stick with raw fruits and veggies?
So onto another health adventure I go.. maybe I can stick with this one?
Monday, September 12, 2011
you are what you eat.... I eat alot
If anyone is curious about my organic challenge I have mostly stuck with it. That challenge taught me to try new vegetables in new and satisfying ways. I really enjoy eating "real" food instead of processed garbage. Once again I haven't lost any pounds but I still haven't gained any pounds either. In addition to eating organic, I am going to eat 1200 calories or less per day. In the past 1200 calories seems to be my magic number for weight loss I hope it doesn't fail me now. I will post on here everyday what my caloric intake is as well as a weekly weigh in.
current weight 132.6
current weight 132.6
Thursday, August 11, 2011
21 days yoga complete
I am finished with my 21 days of yoga... have I lost a million pounds? do I have ripped biceps? what about the elusive yoga butt?... No, no, and no I didnt get any of those things. Instead I received peace of mind and a solid habit of doing something good for my body every day. I have noticed that I have gotten stronger and I am able to transition from plank to cobra the correct way without flopping on the floor. I see subtle changes in my posture and my back feels a lot better. I haven't gained weight but maybe lost .5 lbs. I just have not cared about the fast results since I heard from several blogs that a yoga transformation is slow and steady.
My current challenge has been to eat a clean/whole foods diet. I have been able to do this just about every day although I have cheated a few times by drinking a coke or frappe at work... hey our tap water literally tastes like dirt. I have noticed that since I started to mainly drink water I have been blessed with the caffeine DT's aka migraines. Not so fun but hopefully I can get past them. The current challenge has really pushed me to eat healthier and caused me to experiment with preparing vegetables in ways I never imagined. I have fallen in love with beats, whole wheat flour, and quinoa. I pretty much love this new lifestyle approach and I can see myself sticking with it in the long run... Unfortunately I have discovered chocolate covered bananas in the organic frozen section of my grocery store. I have rationalized that they are better for me than ice cream and that it is ok for me to eat a whole box in one sitting lol ( well maybe not the whole box but definitely half the box). The sweet bananas with their rich fudge coating are to DIE FOR!!SERIOUSLY!!
I still havent decided on a new 21 day exercise challenge... Im thinking that it will consist of pilates/ yoga and possibly zumba. I feel like I need to throw some cardio into my routine at least 3-6 days a week. The only problem for me is time and consistency... I dont have much time on the days I work to do anything at all. On those days I have to force myself to do yoga before I zonk out from exhaustion. So doing cardio on those days isn't very realistic but none the less I could get a few days in a week. I will probably have to go buy some zumba dvds to stay on track. Fortunately, we have a great zumba instructor at my yoga studio but I can only get into see her like 1-2 days a week. Anyhow I will post my next challenge on here in a couple of days....
Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time. ~Deborah Chaskin
My current challenge has been to eat a clean/whole foods diet. I have been able to do this just about every day although I have cheated a few times by drinking a coke or frappe at work... hey our tap water literally tastes like dirt. I have noticed that since I started to mainly drink water I have been blessed with the caffeine DT's aka migraines. Not so fun but hopefully I can get past them. The current challenge has really pushed me to eat healthier and caused me to experiment with preparing vegetables in ways I never imagined. I have fallen in love with beats, whole wheat flour, and quinoa. I pretty much love this new lifestyle approach and I can see myself sticking with it in the long run... Unfortunately I have discovered chocolate covered bananas in the organic frozen section of my grocery store. I have rationalized that they are better for me than ice cream and that it is ok for me to eat a whole box in one sitting lol ( well maybe not the whole box but definitely half the box). The sweet bananas with their rich fudge coating are to DIE FOR!!SERIOUSLY!!
I still havent decided on a new 21 day exercise challenge... Im thinking that it will consist of pilates/ yoga and possibly zumba. I feel like I need to throw some cardio into my routine at least 3-6 days a week. The only problem for me is time and consistency... I dont have much time on the days I work to do anything at all. On those days I have to force myself to do yoga before I zonk out from exhaustion. So doing cardio on those days isn't very realistic but none the less I could get a few days in a week. I will probably have to go buy some zumba dvds to stay on track. Fortunately, we have a great zumba instructor at my yoga studio but I can only get into see her like 1-2 days a week. Anyhow I will post my next challenge on here in a couple of days....
Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time. ~Deborah Chaskin
Monday, August 1, 2011
carob chips suck!!
ok I did my stint as a vegetarian for a good year but seriously vegans of the world quit trying to prove your stuff is just as good as every one else out there. I mean its fine that you choose not to consume animal products but you obviously miss it. If you didn't miss good animal meat and chocolate then why do you constantly try to make imitations of these things? Just be satisfied with the fruits and vegetables that god has given you! Awhile back when I was a vegetarian, I had heard of this wonderful thing called carob chips that were supposed to taste just like chocolate....first of all why? chocolate comes from a plant and can be made without milk interfering. Secondly, y'all lied! Carob does not taste like chocolate in any shape or form. Carob tastes like an oil/ wax paste with baby powder in it... yummo!! If you have not figured it out by now I just had my first taste of carob and I am thoroughly disappointed.
I have started my first day of organic/ whole foods eating and day 13 of yoga. I went to the grocery store yesterday and a local farm today to buy all of my local loot. I also tried making my own crockpot yogurt but it turned out really soupy = NO GOOD! Im going to give it another go tonight, wish me luck.In addition I have enlisted the help of several blogs out there to help me with this clean eating thing.
I went to the yoga studio this morning but I chose to do zumba instead because they only had one other yoga class. Let me tell you that is a great cardio workout!! It kept my heart rate up the entire time but I never got bored. I think I found an additional new love to supplement my yoga yay!!
I have started my first day of organic/ whole foods eating and day 13 of yoga. I went to the grocery store yesterday and a local farm today to buy all of my local loot. I also tried making my own crockpot yogurt but it turned out really soupy = NO GOOD! Im going to give it another go tonight, wish me luck.In addition I have enlisted the help of several blogs out there to help me with this clean eating thing.
I went to the yoga studio this morning but I chose to do zumba instead because they only had one other yoga class. Let me tell you that is a great cardio workout!! It kept my heart rate up the entire time but I never got bored. I think I found an additional new love to supplement my yoga yay!!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
I forced myself to do some yoga tonight, 30 minutes to be exact. I am so exhausted. I couldnt even relax because i just wanted it to end so i could go to sleep. Regardless I have maintained and there is always tomorrow. Good night!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
21 day challenge: week 1
Im a week into my 21 day personal yoga challenge. On average I probably do about 30 minutes every day. Since I am currently traveling, I have been using several different yoga videos. I have found some really good videos but they definitely don't replace going to the studio. I doubt I have lost any weight because I like to eat way too much especially when I travel. Im sort of a foodie. Regardless of losing weight, I feel 100 times better every day. Yoga has helped me to really get the blood flowing to my muscles, which in turn relieves my aches and pains. I have a better outlook on life and I can finally think clearly through situations before I react ( well maybe not all situations but thats just a a part of who I am). I have never been too keen on any daily ritual except sleep but I cling to yoga like some do to the bible. It has really been a spiritual experience, it makes me want to be a better person inside and out.
I have decided that 21 day challenges could be really great for jump starting a healthier lifestyle. Therefore, every few weeks I am going to give myself a new health challenge. I really began doing yoga almost every other day for a couple of weeks before my 21 day commitment but I felt the need for a real lifestyle commitment. In addition , I chose to drop most beverages, besides the ever addicting mocha frappe, for water due to its many health benefits. My next personal challenge is going to be organic/ whole food eating for 21 days. I wont be starting til next week but I have been doing a lot of research in the meantime. It will be extremely difficult since I travel to work and require a lot of fast, easy to prepare, frozen foods for 3 nights a week. Fortunately, I am pretty convinced that Amy's frozen foods will help me through those difficult times. In addition, it will require a tremendous amount of planning since I prefer to buy local produce and meats. I feel a little overwhelmed by the idea but I believe it is a change I have been wanting to make for a long time.
I have decided that 21 day challenges could be really great for jump starting a healthier lifestyle. Therefore, every few weeks I am going to give myself a new health challenge. I really began doing yoga almost every other day for a couple of weeks before my 21 day commitment but I felt the need for a real lifestyle commitment. In addition , I chose to drop most beverages, besides the ever addicting mocha frappe, for water due to its many health benefits. My next personal challenge is going to be organic/ whole food eating for 21 days. I wont be starting til next week but I have been doing a lot of research in the meantime. It will be extremely difficult since I travel to work and require a lot of fast, easy to prepare, frozen foods for 3 nights a week. Fortunately, I am pretty convinced that Amy's frozen foods will help me through those difficult times. In addition, it will require a tremendous amount of planning since I prefer to buy local produce and meats. I feel a little overwhelmed by the idea but I believe it is a change I have been wanting to make for a long time.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Yoga Yoga blah blah blah
So I have been obsessed with finding a really good yoga blog. In my search I have read numerous posts about how horrible it is that people are turning yoga into an exercise regimen. That yoga has become too commercialized and has been ruined by the masses. Although, I'm new to yoga I sort of agree. As you might have already read, I get severely irritated by instructors claiming that they are teaching you yoga when clearly they don't even know yoga. I'm not going to lie, I hope yoga facilitates me on my quest for a better body. Yet, Im not willing to participate in a complete mockery of this ancient art form.
Which brings me to my latest practice, YOGALOSOPHY by Mandy Ingber. Yogalosophy is the Jennifer Aniston/ celebrity touted workout that gets you results. I'll be honest Jennifer Aniston is hot and I want a body like hers. No, its not really yoga but it doesn't claim to be. It is a combination of traditional moves, yoga moves, and most importantly a connection to breathe. I will admit that when I first put it in the player I thought " Oh goodness, another one?!". I felt like Mandy's voice just might get on my nerves instead of leading me down a road of relaxation. I was so wrong!! Although she is not a meditation guru, she speaks honestly as if she is your best girlfriend sitting in your living room. She tends to poke fun of the workout a little, making it actually light and fun! Although, this will not become my every day practice I will definitely use the video to supplement my strength building.
Which causes me to ask... what is wrong with doing yoga for exercise? Isn't yoga about mind and body? I know that I need increased strength in order to improve my postures and have the ability to move on to harder postures. So what is wrong with me trying to become stronger, healthier, and better equipped to perform?... I think it is silly for people to act like yoga should only be used for meditation and any deviation is a sin. Even yoga is partially based on personal evolution, should yoga itself not evolve as well? tell me what you think
Which brings me to my latest practice, YOGALOSOPHY by Mandy Ingber. Yogalosophy is the Jennifer Aniston/ celebrity touted workout that gets you results. I'll be honest Jennifer Aniston is hot and I want a body like hers. No, its not really yoga but it doesn't claim to be. It is a combination of traditional moves, yoga moves, and most importantly a connection to breathe. I will admit that when I first put it in the player I thought " Oh goodness, another one?!". I felt like Mandy's voice just might get on my nerves instead of leading me down a road of relaxation. I was so wrong!! Although she is not a meditation guru, she speaks honestly as if she is your best girlfriend sitting in your living room. She tends to poke fun of the workout a little, making it actually light and fun! Although, this will not become my every day practice I will definitely use the video to supplement my strength building.
Which causes me to ask... what is wrong with doing yoga for exercise? Isn't yoga about mind and body? I know that I need increased strength in order to improve my postures and have the ability to move on to harder postures. So what is wrong with me trying to become stronger, healthier, and better equipped to perform?... I think it is silly for people to act like yoga should only be used for meditation and any deviation is a sin. Even yoga is partially based on personal evolution, should yoga itself not evolve as well? tell me what you think
Sunday, July 24, 2011
lets begin with zen
Lately, I am all about zen ( as if you haven't noticed). I like to feel all relaxed and unstressed by life. My life has been nothing but stress for years. I have worked extremely hard to get to where I am at now. I gave up friends, family, exercise, and fun in order to get through nursing school. Now that I am a new nurse in an intensive care unit I encounter new stresses that have bigger consequences. I hold the lives of people in my hands. One mistake and I could end a persons life. It is my sole purpose to protect my patients from harm to the best of my ability. I guess you could say that I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. Therefore, I feel that when I am off of work that life should be stress free and happy. Apparently, I am the only one who feels this way lol. Instead, I find myself collected and calm while another is stressed. Unfortunately, I end up annoyed by their stress and it ruins my good day. I just stare at this person wondering how they could be so upset about something so silly. Then, to their disgust, I suggest that they just chill and not sweat the small things. What a waste........ maybe they need to try yoga? hmmm? Got a disgusted look on that suggestion too :(
So yesterday morning I followed a yoga journal podcast. So far these have been some of my favorite videos. The videos are somewhat of a challenge yet they allow me to relax. Then tonight I tried a new video I bought from B&N, 5 day fit yoga with Suzanne Deason. I did the 4th day thinking it was the pm for weight loss version. Overall it was very relaxing although it was not much of a challenge. I really enjoyed the fact that it was slow and made me breath. All too often I feel like I need to rush through life instead of just enjoying the moment. I started this workout doing the same thing, until I realized that I was going to be in the same pose for a while. Therefore, I just slowed down my breathing and started enjoying the moment. The thing that really hit me was at the end. She suggested that everyone state a healthy intent for the day. I thought of all the things that I just cannot give up. I would like to say that I wont have another McDonalds mocha frappe but I have a serious addiction that I cant let go of. I would like to say I will eat healthy and treat my body with kindness but right now I know I would break that promise too. So I thought and thought some more about what I would be able to give up in order to make myself healthy and I came up with HURT.
I get my feelings hurt so easily by the actions of others. I dont reach out to others very often, so when I do I feel like I should get a response. Today I sent messages to several people and even though they received them they did not reply for one reason or another. Then I found that my teenage niece defriended me on facebook lol. Ya I know how trivial but it still hurt my feelings. Mainly I felt hurt because she is the type to do that only because she hates you and wants you to know it. And I'm not even sure what I did. I mean I live 500 miles away and haven't seen her in 2 years... maybe thats it? Anyhow, I decided that tonight / tomorrow I will give all that up and be happy for the love I do receive. I will breathe out the negativity and let love fill my lungs with joy :) In the midst of all that hurt I reconnected with my favorite cousins and had a wonderful weekend with my bestfriend/ boyfriend.
Last but not least... I was doing a yoga video where they talked about stretching as tall as you can but they also stated that you must be well grounded in order to get taller. That got me thinking about how you could easily apply that to life. Everyone talks about achieving your dreams and going beyond what you thought was ever possible. Unfortunately, no one tells you the magic formula to reaching your dreams. I think that balance may be the key...if you want to touch the stars you must dig your feet deep into the soil and become grounded first.Make like the roots of a tree that push further and further into the ground all the while the trunk and branches keep stretching taller and taller. A well rooted tree survives any wind that blows and every storm that follows. My yoga friends, I pray that you too dig deep and reach for the moon in everything you do. Namaste

So yesterday morning I followed a yoga journal podcast. So far these have been some of my favorite videos. The videos are somewhat of a challenge yet they allow me to relax. Then tonight I tried a new video I bought from B&N, 5 day fit yoga with Suzanne Deason. I did the 4th day thinking it was the pm for weight loss version. Overall it was very relaxing although it was not much of a challenge. I really enjoyed the fact that it was slow and made me breath. All too often I feel like I need to rush through life instead of just enjoying the moment. I started this workout doing the same thing, until I realized that I was going to be in the same pose for a while. Therefore, I just slowed down my breathing and started enjoying the moment. The thing that really hit me was at the end. She suggested that everyone state a healthy intent for the day. I thought of all the things that I just cannot give up. I would like to say that I wont have another McDonalds mocha frappe but I have a serious addiction that I cant let go of. I would like to say I will eat healthy and treat my body with kindness but right now I know I would break that promise too. So I thought and thought some more about what I would be able to give up in order to make myself healthy and I came up with HURT.
I get my feelings hurt so easily by the actions of others. I dont reach out to others very often, so when I do I feel like I should get a response. Today I sent messages to several people and even though they received them they did not reply for one reason or another. Then I found that my teenage niece defriended me on facebook lol. Ya I know how trivial but it still hurt my feelings. Mainly I felt hurt because she is the type to do that only because she hates you and wants you to know it. And I'm not even sure what I did. I mean I live 500 miles away and haven't seen her in 2 years... maybe thats it? Anyhow, I decided that tonight / tomorrow I will give all that up and be happy for the love I do receive. I will breathe out the negativity and let love fill my lungs with joy :) In the midst of all that hurt I reconnected with my favorite cousins and had a wonderful weekend with my bestfriend/ boyfriend.
Last but not least... I was doing a yoga video where they talked about stretching as tall as you can but they also stated that you must be well grounded in order to get taller. That got me thinking about how you could easily apply that to life. Everyone talks about achieving your dreams and going beyond what you thought was ever possible. Unfortunately, no one tells you the magic formula to reaching your dreams. I think that balance may be the key...if you want to touch the stars you must dig your feet deep into the soil and become grounded first.Make like the roots of a tree that push further and further into the ground all the while the trunk and branches keep stretching taller and taller. A well rooted tree survives any wind that blows and every storm that follows. My yoga friends, I pray that you too dig deep and reach for the moon in everything you do. Namaste

Friday, July 22, 2011
yogaworks for someone... just not everybody
Another one hits the dust! and another one does...... I could pretty much qoute my previous review but this one was just a tad better. This time I did a yogaworks video that I actually bought on itunes for a pretty little penny. It had rave reviews once again but just like the last video it felt a little more gym and not so much zen feeling yoga. The only difference was that it actually had yoga moves and sun salutations. I was so annoyed by the video, 30 minutes into it I turned it off. The instructor kept talking throughout the entire video as if she couldn't relax herself. I thought yoga was about mind/body union? Instead, this video was purely exercise and not relaxing at all. On the upside, during the instructors constant blabber she did explain proper positioning pretty well for a video. I guess it just was not my cup of midnight tea...
On the other hand I performed yoga journals free itunes podcast am yoga this morning and was totally satisfied. The sequence was challenging, invigorating, and calming all at the same time. Which is the kind of zen tea I prefer to sip.
Alas, tomorrow is another day and maybe I will find a new practice video to quench my yoga thirst on the road.
On the other hand I performed yoga journals free itunes podcast am yoga this morning and was totally satisfied. The sequence was challenging, invigorating, and calming all at the same time. Which is the kind of zen tea I prefer to sip.
Alas, tomorrow is another day and maybe I will find a new practice video to quench my yoga thirst on the road.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Anytime yogonna wanna yoga
I decided to try out any easy yoga routine to stretch my body out from the torture I continue to endure after yesterdays workout. I did a quick search on itunes and found a free episode of anytime yoga. It had rave reviews about how the workout was so incredibly relaxing. All I have to say is those people must be more stressed than me( or is it Im more stressed than them?). I felt like I could have taken an elementary PE class and felt just as relaxed. The stretches were yoga based but all that deep relaxing zen was completely lacking. Given that it was a 10 minute video, each stretch lasted about 5 seconds before moving to the next stretch. So that one was a definite miss for me. If you want to have a truely relaxing before bed yoga routine try lights out crunch yoga. In my limited opinion, I find it is almost as good as going to a real studio.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I Hate Everything About you!!
Ya you... you know who you are. Within five minutes you made me want to blow my brains out and yet I still stuck around. Im no glutton for punishment! I know when its time for me to leave with the door slammed behind me. It was insane it was like you took pleasure in taunting me with my deficiencies. You threw my weaknesses in my face and showed me that Im really not as strong as I thought. Not too mention YOU caused me to look at my body in a not so flattering light. Especially when you lined me up to compete against all the others that flocked to you.... so Im going to say screw you Source Barre. You may have won this time but after I peel myself off the floor we are definitely going to have rematch.
I guess that pretty much sums up my morning. I raced to the yoga studio to get into this class that promises body sculpting results. I have no doubt that it does but I don't know if this weakling can handle this type of exercise. Its nothing like my easy going yoga that I adore. I didn't leave the place with an amazing zen feeling, instead I left with pain and defeat. I know this is something I need, I need muscles but I absolutely hated it. I think the teacher noticed because she quickly grabbed me before I left to assure me that everyone starts out the same way. I had to admit to her I thought it was pure hell, every muscle cramped and my entire body shaked. At the same time, another lady came up to share with me that she was every bit as shakey as I and that 7 sessions later I would be fine.... YA OKAY, well see about that.
I guess that pretty much sums up my morning. I raced to the yoga studio to get into this class that promises body sculpting results. I have no doubt that it does but I don't know if this weakling can handle this type of exercise. Its nothing like my easy going yoga that I adore. I didn't leave the place with an amazing zen feeling, instead I left with pain and defeat. I know this is something I need, I need muscles but I absolutely hated it. I think the teacher noticed because she quickly grabbed me before I left to assure me that everyone starts out the same way. I had to admit to her I thought it was pure hell, every muscle cramped and my entire body shaked. At the same time, another lady came up to share with me that she was every bit as shakey as I and that 7 sessions later I would be fine.... YA OKAY, well see about that.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
A new direction
When I started this blog I really wanted to see the changes I could make with the Tracy Anderson method. I thought that having the blog would make me accountable for sticking to the program. Unfortunately my schedule is crazy and it was difficult for me to stick with the meal plan. I tend to travel alot and dont know where Im going to be from day to day. Then my workouts started slacking, my plantar faschitis flared up, and my 1 inch will power became buried with "other" more important things to do. So needless to say, I didn't finish the 30 days of TAM I had planned. On the upside, TAM helped me drop about 7 lbs and boosted my fitness level.
Fast forward to today...
I am finally done with nursing school!! That means no more studying for 40+ hours/week and sitting in class for 20 more hours. I finally have me time... sort of. I now work crazy busy 12-14 hour midnight shifts that don't allow me to sit for any extended period of time. Nor do I get a lunch break most nights. I also travel to stay with my boyfriend, most weeks, who is 2 hours a way.
Which led me to discover 2 old loves... running and yoga. He has a great running trail near his apartment that allows me to get outside and get my run on. Unfortunately, its been 100 degree weather around here, which makes running out of the question. So instead of running at night with creepers staring me down, I decided about 2 weeks ago to try out a yoga class. That was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made.
That one hour session completely relieved me of my upper back pain for for at least a couple of hours. I had been to a massage therapist the day before, taken naproxen, and still had no relief. On top of that I left the studio with a zen state of mind that I haven't experienced in years. I still dont understand all the gibberish about working through a pose and being enlightened but maybe one day I will.
Ever since that day, I have been scouring the internet, netflix, and walmart for yoga videos to practice in my own home. While doing the videos can't replace the guidance of a well trained yogi, they have allowed me to practice anywhere and anytime. The best part is doing a session right before bed in order to get rid of all that built up tension I accumulate throughout the day. I have definitely fallen in love with yoga and I crave it like chocolate. It allows me to have a few minutes of release from all aches, pains, and worries. Pretty amazing considering how simple it really is.
Today I was lucky enough to sign up for another yoga class. This time I was the only student so it was more like a private yoga session with the studio owner. She really worked with me on my postures, breathing, and flow. She even showed me the trick to transitioning from plank to chatarunga in a straight line( which is going to be one of my new goals). Then she introduced me to the yoga wall, a super slatted wall that allows you to hang super special yoga car towing straps from. First, she placed a belt around my waist and had me hang in downward dog and proceeded to place me in several different stretching positions to open up my shoulder blades. I have been pain free all day!! After watching me go through the motions she informed me that I actually have great flexibility and that I should work on building my muscles up instead. I hate to say this but she might be onto something lol. Consequently, I signed up for another class tomorrow that is a bar/ yoga class.
My new found love of yoga has inspired me to continue this blog with a new direction and goal. While there is a lot of resources out there about practicing yoga, there is very few that show the changes that a person has along the way. Today I am going to make a commitment to practice yoga every day for the next 21 days, which is totally doable. This might mean only practicing for 20 minutes but none the less I will stick with it. While such a short time probably wont change my body into SHE-RA I hope that it will give me a good foundation for setting up my practice. I want to show the world and myself how daily yoga practice can transform you from a caterpillar into a butterfly. ....Namaste
btw here is my current stats 132.6 lbs and 29.9% body fat
Fast forward to today...
I am finally done with nursing school!! That means no more studying for 40+ hours/week and sitting in class for 20 more hours. I finally have me time... sort of. I now work crazy busy 12-14 hour midnight shifts that don't allow me to sit for any extended period of time. Nor do I get a lunch break most nights. I also travel to stay with my boyfriend, most weeks, who is 2 hours a way.
Which led me to discover 2 old loves... running and yoga. He has a great running trail near his apartment that allows me to get outside and get my run on. Unfortunately, its been 100 degree weather around here, which makes running out of the question. So instead of running at night with creepers staring me down, I decided about 2 weeks ago to try out a yoga class. That was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made.
That one hour session completely relieved me of my upper back pain for for at least a couple of hours. I had been to a massage therapist the day before, taken naproxen, and still had no relief. On top of that I left the studio with a zen state of mind that I haven't experienced in years. I still dont understand all the gibberish about working through a pose and being enlightened but maybe one day I will.
Ever since that day, I have been scouring the internet, netflix, and walmart for yoga videos to practice in my own home. While doing the videos can't replace the guidance of a well trained yogi, they have allowed me to practice anywhere and anytime. The best part is doing a session right before bed in order to get rid of all that built up tension I accumulate throughout the day. I have definitely fallen in love with yoga and I crave it like chocolate. It allows me to have a few minutes of release from all aches, pains, and worries. Pretty amazing considering how simple it really is.
Today I was lucky enough to sign up for another yoga class. This time I was the only student so it was more like a private yoga session with the studio owner. She really worked with me on my postures, breathing, and flow. She even showed me the trick to transitioning from plank to chatarunga in a straight line( which is going to be one of my new goals). Then she introduced me to the yoga wall, a super slatted wall that allows you to hang super special yoga car towing straps from. First, she placed a belt around my waist and had me hang in downward dog and proceeded to place me in several different stretching positions to open up my shoulder blades. I have been pain free all day!! After watching me go through the motions she informed me that I actually have great flexibility and that I should work on building my muscles up instead. I hate to say this but she might be onto something lol. Consequently, I signed up for another class tomorrow that is a bar/ yoga class.
My new found love of yoga has inspired me to continue this blog with a new direction and goal. While there is a lot of resources out there about practicing yoga, there is very few that show the changes that a person has along the way. Today I am going to make a commitment to practice yoga every day for the next 21 days, which is totally doable. This might mean only practicing for 20 minutes but none the less I will stick with it. While such a short time probably wont change my body into SHE-RA I hope that it will give me a good foundation for setting up my practice. I want to show the world and myself how daily yoga practice can transform you from a caterpillar into a butterfly. ....Namaste
btw here is my current stats 132.6 lbs and 29.9% body fat
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
One two skip a few 99 a hundred:Day 8,9,10
On day 8 my scale said
Weight 134.2 lbs
Bodyfat: I'm pretty sure the scale is a lie its like 35.5%
I took my 7 day results pics this morning. So far I just see really subtle changes but changes none the less. I think my Bum has received a small lift but that is just my opinion. The pictures arent perfect but I tried to get them as close as possible. Sorry about the quality.
Weight 134.2 lbs
Bodyfat: I'm pretty sure the scale is a lie its like 35.5%
I took my 7 day results pics this morning. So far I just see really subtle changes but changes none the less. I think my Bum has received a small lift but that is just my opinion. The pictures arent perfect but I tried to get them as close as possible. Sorry about the quality.

On days 8,9,10 I spent out of town in a hotel and will be there a couple more nights. Fortunately, I was able to keep up with my workouts without a hitch. My only problem is I wait til midnight to do my muscle work. On the upside I even got the boyfriend to start exercising with me... Sort of, he rides an exercise bike while I flop around like a fish for 40 minutes. He even told me I was looking thinner today. Even if he is just being sweet, I totally ate that compliment up:)
As far as my diet goes... Well it just doesn't. There is no microwaves or fridges in the hotel. Instead I loaded up on the fresh fruit they offer, lots of water, and try my best to eat reasonably. When I say best I just mean that I eat one cookie instead of the whole box. So not Tracy approved. I guess it's official that my journey is not by the book. It's just hard for this junkfood junkie to go cold turkey. I always end up jonesing for my chocolate fix. It's terrible, I know :(
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 7
The scale has risen either from my bad eating, water weight, or I have built muscle wink wink :) It does say that my body fat percentage has gone down:
Weight: 134.8 lbs
Bodyfat: 29.9%
I forgot to mention my new shoes yesterday. I bought the new reebok easy tones. The lady at footlocker convinced me that they were well suited for all the bouncing that occurs during the TAM cardio session. Of course I've already tried them. The verdict says that if you spend most of your time bouncing on the balls of your feet they are perfect. Although, I felt like they could require a little more cushioning in the toes.
Oh and I'm so excited a fellow TAM blogger is my first follower yay!! I visited her blog and was mesmerized by her amazing abs she has posted online. I definitely hope I can get those someday.
I've been a good girl today and followed the TAM diet without any extra goodies on the side. The workouts finally feel doable lol. Yes I know they were always doable but now I don't feel like I'm about to die the whole time. I procrastinated all day. I finally worked out at 10 pm. Which is actually prime workout time for me if I'm not too ... ( insert excuse here). Which could be why the workouts weren't completely miserable. Although I'm sure my "sleeping" boyfriend wouldn't agree. So there you have it I made it a week. Only three more plus a lifetime to go :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Weight: 134.8 lbs
Bodyfat: 29.9%
I forgot to mention my new shoes yesterday. I bought the new reebok easy tones. The lady at footlocker convinced me that they were well suited for all the bouncing that occurs during the TAM cardio session. Of course I've already tried them. The verdict says that if you spend most of your time bouncing on the balls of your feet they are perfect. Although, I felt like they could require a little more cushioning in the toes.
Oh and I'm so excited a fellow TAM blogger is my first follower yay!! I visited her blog and was mesmerized by her amazing abs she has posted online. I definitely hope I can get those someday.
I've been a good girl today and followed the TAM diet without any extra goodies on the side. The workouts finally feel doable lol. Yes I know they were always doable but now I don't feel like I'm about to die the whole time. I procrastinated all day. I finally worked out at 10 pm. Which is actually prime workout time for me if I'm not too ... ( insert excuse here). Which could be why the workouts weren't completely miserable. Although I'm sure my "sleeping" boyfriend wouldn't agree. So there you have it I made it a week. Only three more plus a lifetime to go :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Years :Days 5 & 6
The holidays are officially my cryptonite. I did all of my workouts as planned. I also ate all TAM meals except for dinner. Friday I tried to stick to TAM recommendations I got salad with vinegar, vegetable medley and salmon. Of course the salmon came with a small side of bernaise sauce. That small side creamy tangy sauce called my name so loud I could not turn my back on it. There I was doing so good and Bam I failed. Then of course being new years you have to throw a few back. So I ordered 2 select 55's. Then someone bought me a margarita which I kindly drank 1/2 of it. Then today I ate my TAM meals except dinner once again. I had to go to a family function that was based around chili and tamales. I tried just sticking with the chili. Unfortunately, it was so hot I had to tone it down with the tamales. So day 2 I failed miserably.... Booo! The whole situation reminds me a of Cedric the entertainers comedy about being on a diet. He compares it to being like a crack addict. Somehow I can totally relate to that lol. In the morning it will be another day and I will try and try again. I hope y'all had a Happy New Years!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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