Monday, July 25, 2011

Yoga Yoga blah blah blah

So I have been obsessed with finding a really good yoga blog. In my search I have read numerous posts about how horrible it is that people are turning yoga into an exercise regimen. That yoga has become too commercialized and has been ruined by the masses. Although, I'm new to yoga I sort of agree. As you might have already read, I get severely irritated by instructors claiming that they are teaching you yoga when clearly they don't even know yoga. I'm not going to lie, I hope yoga facilitates me on my quest for a better body. Yet, Im not willing to participate in a complete mockery of this ancient art form.

Which brings me to my latest practice, YOGALOSOPHY by Mandy Ingber. Yogalosophy is the Jennifer Aniston/ celebrity touted workout that gets you results. I'll be honest Jennifer Aniston is hot and I want a body like hers. No, its not really yoga but it doesn't claim to be. It is a combination of traditional moves, yoga moves, and most importantly a connection to breathe. I will admit that when I first put it in the player I thought " Oh goodness, another one?!". I felt like Mandy's voice just might get on my nerves instead of leading me down a road of relaxation. I was so wrong!! Although she is not a meditation guru, she speaks honestly as if she is your best girlfriend sitting in your living room. She tends to poke fun of the workout a little, making it actually light and fun! Although, this will not become my every day practice I will definitely use the video to supplement my strength building.

Which causes me to ask... what is wrong with doing yoga for exercise? Isn't yoga about mind and body? I know that I need increased strength in order to improve my postures and have the ability to move on to harder postures. So what is wrong with me trying to become stronger, healthier, and better equipped to perform?... I think it is silly for people to act like yoga should only be used for meditation and any deviation is a sin. Even yoga is partially based on personal evolution, should yoga itself not evolve as well? tell me what you think

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