Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A new direction

When I started this blog I really wanted to see the changes I could make with the Tracy Anderson method. I thought that having the blog would make me accountable for sticking to the program. Unfortunately my schedule is crazy and it was difficult for me to stick with the meal plan. I tend to travel alot and dont know where Im going to be from day to day. Then my workouts started slacking, my plantar faschitis flared up, and my 1 inch will power became buried with "other" more important things to do. So needless to say, I didn't finish the 30 days of TAM I had planned. On the upside, TAM helped me drop about 7 lbs and boosted my fitness level.

Fast forward to today...
I am finally done with nursing school!! That means no more studying for 40+ hours/week and sitting in class for 20 more hours. I finally have me time... sort of. I now work crazy busy 12-14 hour midnight shifts that don't allow me to sit for any extended period of time. Nor do I get a lunch break most nights. I also travel to stay with my boyfriend, most weeks, who is 2 hours a way.

Which led me to discover 2 old loves... running and yoga. He has a great running trail near his apartment that allows me to get outside and get my run on. Unfortunately, its been 100 degree weather around here, which makes running out of the question. So instead of running at night with creepers staring me down, I decided about 2 weeks ago to try out a yoga class. That was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made.

That one hour session completely relieved me of my upper back pain for for at least a couple of hours. I had been to a massage therapist the day before, taken naproxen, and still had no relief. On top of that I left the studio with a zen state of mind that I haven't experienced in years. I still dont understand all the gibberish about working through a pose and being enlightened but maybe one day I will.

Ever since that day, I have been scouring the internet, netflix, and walmart for yoga videos to practice in my own home. While doing the videos can't replace the guidance of a well trained yogi, they have allowed me to practice anywhere and anytime. The best part is doing a session right before bed in order to get rid of all that built up tension I accumulate throughout the day. I have definitely fallen in love with yoga and I crave it like chocolate. It allows me to have a few minutes of release from all aches, pains, and worries. Pretty amazing considering how simple it really is.

Today I was lucky enough to sign up for another yoga class. This time I was the only student so it was more like a private yoga session with the studio owner. She really worked with me on my postures, breathing, and flow. She even showed me the trick to transitioning from plank to chatarunga in a straight line( which is going to be one of my new goals). Then she introduced me to the yoga wall, a super slatted wall that allows you to hang super special yoga car towing straps from. First, she placed a belt around my waist and had me hang in downward dog and proceeded to place me in several different stretching positions to open up my shoulder blades. I have been pain free all day!! After watching me go through the motions she informed me that I actually have great flexibility and that I should work on building my muscles up instead. I hate to say this but she might be onto something lol. Consequently, I signed up for another class tomorrow that is a bar/ yoga class.

My new found love of yoga has inspired me to continue this blog with a new direction and goal. While there is a lot of resources out there about practicing yoga, there is very few that show the changes that a person has along the way. Today I am going to make a commitment to practice yoga every day for the next 21 days, which is totally doable. This might mean only practicing for 20 minutes but none the less I will stick with it. While such a short time probably wont change my body into SHE-RA I hope that it will give me a good foundation for setting up my practice. I want to show the world and myself how daily yoga practice can transform you from a caterpillar into a butterfly. ....Namaste

btw here is my current stats 132.6 lbs and 29.9% body fat

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