Monday, December 27, 2010

The war begins : day 1

Xmas has come and gone and now the only thing to come between me and my goals is my love of entertaining and New Years Eve!!!

Starting measurements:
Arms: 12 in.
Chest: 40 in.
Ribcage: 34 in.
Waist: 30 in.
Belly button abs: 33 in.
Hips: 38.5 in.
Thighs: 23 in.

Butt measurements:
Cheek width - 13.5 in.
Cheek length - 11 in.

current weight: 136.2 lbs
body fat: 32.6%

pictures...I will post them as soon as I can get them from my computer to my phone since that is where I do my blogging. It's amazing how a camera can always expose the truth. When I look in the mirror I see a slightly bigger version of me that is fit with some curves. When I look at a picture I see a totally different person. I see the person who is so exhausted everyday that she never leaves the bed once she is home.I see the person who believes that walking the halls of a hospital for 12 hours will make up for 30 hours of sitting in a classroom. I see someone who doesn't take care of their self plain and simple. The pictures have made me realize that taking care of others all the time has made me forget about taking care of myself. I'm finally at a point that being careless is no longer an option I can get away with. On this day I'm going to be selfish, I'm going to dedicate this blog to no one other than myself. I vow to love and cherish this body god has given me before it wastes away. I know that all this gibberish may sound silly to most and I completely agree with you. It is so silly that I have been hiding from myself for so long. I should have never let it even get this far.It is time I made a change and I hope that maybe a little change in me can inspire a little change in you.

Wish list- abs, shoulders, inner thighs, butt

Meal review:
due to the fact that Xmas was Saturday Kroger was completely out of certain foods so I had to do some switching and subbing. Everything was within the Tracy meal plan so it's not a huge deviation but it's not T-totally exact. Either way the food all tasted amazing and was pretty filling for me.

Exercise review: I began my muscle design sequence with a brief warm up and proceeded to do 20 reps per move. Which is the starting reps that is recommended and it still kicked my butt. I increased the heat in my room in order to get my sweat on. Unfortunately it just made me feel like a highschool wrestler who wanted to spew her brains out the entire time. Despite the nausea, I did complete the muscle design sequence but I took a break to gather myself before the cardio sequence.

After about an hour of downtime I took on the oh so dreaded torture of cardio. I was pleasantly surprised to find it wasn't that horrible. I stepped it out about 25% of the time and produced a nice sweat. Maybe it's because I have a dance background but I feel like running is so much harder to do than the TAM dances. The moves were fairly easy. If you can jump rope then you can master the moves. Jumping and moving your body in several directions is all it really is. Tip of the day: bouncing up and down actually makes the moves easier to do than stepping it out. Just trust me ;)

Daily thoughts: I think my body has gone into shock from no caffeine, bread, or anything junky. I've had a headache for the latter part of the day. Overall I think I can see this to the end... Wish me luck

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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