Sunday, December 26, 2010

Setting the kitchen table

Tomorrow is my official start date. I received the book in the mail, skimmed it over, and made the grocery list for the first week. The grocery list in itself was a major task. There is pre made lists on the Internet which can save you a ton of time. Unfortunately I'm a little type A at times, therefore I need precise measurements for everything. The lists on the net just weren't specific enough for my taste. After about 1.5 hours and 70 items later, my list was complete. Off to kroger I went with my list in hand and a grouchy boyfriend at my side. Apparently going 40 minutes out of our way wasn't what the boyfriend signed up for. He just couldn't understand why walmart was not an option. After a complete guilt trip about the fact that walmart just doesn't carry very many fruits, vegetables, or specialty health items he gave in to the idea.
While my arguments were mostly right, even Kroger doesn't carry everything, which means I didn't get a few key items from my list. In the end it took me about an hour to fill my cart and $151.00 to pay for it. I decided from the start that I would follow the plan to a T but unfortunately the start has proven to me that isn't always possible. The whole process would have been easier if the book had included a weekly grocery list with exact amounts. The problem is that even some of the recipes don't specify exact amounts for the main ingredients. While the meal plan provides a great deal of variation it also requires an extreme amount of pretty expensive ingredients that are not friendly to the average user. I just hope and pray that all this money and time I have already committed is worth it. Stay tuned for my day by day review and wish me luck :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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