Friday, December 24, 2010

Humble pie

After trying to do some research and coming up with very little hard evidence, I have decided to try the Tracy Anderson method for my self. Besides a few good blogs out there and a facebook page, there is less than a handful of logs that chronicle the progress of individuals who have been successful using her unconventional methods. The ones I have seen show amazing results.... So maybe I can do the same. I don't know if anyone will even want to read this but maybe it will help someone who is interested in seeing real results from a real person. I hope you enjoy reading about my misadventures in achieving a rockin body.
First things first a little about me... I'm not the most active person in the world. I have been a dancer the majority of my life but It has been a long time since I have performed anything. I used to run but a nerve injury ended that and life has pretty much gotten in the way of....well, me. Oh did I mention I am an avid eater of anything that comes from someone else's kitchen and Im completely addicted to chocolate .I've been known to eat chocolate for every meal for days at a time until I ween myself off it lol.So needless to say but I have gone from a gooey 115 lbs to 140 over the past 2 1/2 years.
I'm only 5'3 with a very small frame which means even a 2 pound gain can look drastic on me. I'm actually quite ok with my weight until I see pictures and I don't see me but some other being who has taken over my body. I guess the real wakeup call was when I walked through an entire mall trying on clothes. I could only find one shirt that didn't make me look like I was 4 months pregnant. So here I am now trying to get back to the real me. Not to mention I'm going to Hawaii in march and I want to look slammin in a Bikini but thats besides the point ;)
As of right now I have been just doing one of the Tracy Anderson muscle training YouTube videos with some on and off again healthy eating. It may be only one clip but it is kicking my butt literally. My neck, abs, arms, and hips are ridiculously sore. Im going to continue the exercise daily until I get my book in the mail and then the 30 day journey will officially begin.On that day I will give you my stats and maybe a before picture if I'm brave enough.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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