Friday, December 20, 2013


I just received my new BodyMedia armband in the mail. It has blue tooth that links directly to my iphone. I chose this version because I am the type of person who needs real time results. Blame it on my generation but that is how I roll.

The setup process appears relatively simple. You go to the BodyMedia website and click on the get started link on the top of the page. Type in your activation code and wahlah!! You are brought to a page that asks you to choose a program BodyMediafit or the Jillian Michaels version. Unfortunately, this is where it gets tricky.

I first chose the Jillian Michaels bodymedia fit Plus Version for 1 month free. While this version is fabulous and has plenty of great resources, it didn't work so well for me. I was under the impression that I would still receive everything that a Bodymediafit suscriber would, in addition to the Jillian Michaels program. I was SOOO WRONG! While  you can link up to some of the online apps they are limited. I wanted to be able to use My Fitness Pal. Unfortunately, you cannot link My Fitness Pal to the Jillian Michaels Program.

But you can link it to the basic Bodymedia fit program!!! Switching programs requires a call/ little help from customer service but it's definitely worth it. There are several apps that you can easily link up with your BodyMedia.  You receive the subscription free for 3 months. While I had some frustration with the setup process, it really wasn't too bad. MOTIVATION... I am on my way !!!!